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T01- Introduction to Turning on Lathe

What is turning ? Turning is a machining process used to generate cylindrical and conical surface by rotating the work piece and with the help of cutting tool. The machine where the turning process is usually carried on is called as lathe , where a cutting tool is fed against a rotating work-piece. What is the working principle of Lathe? The principle of operation is shown in the figure. Here both the work piece and the tools are rigidly held on the lathe. Then the tool is provided with longitudinal and transverse movement while the work-piece is being rotated at suitable speed. Basically three type of major surface can be produced depending on the movement of the tool, They are as follows:- I. When the tool moves parallel to the axis of rotation of the work piece, a cylindrical surface can be produced. Which is as shown below. II. When the tool moves at an angle to the axis of the work piece, a tapered surface can be produced.  Which is as shown below. III. When the tool moves perpe
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T02- Precaution to be taken on Lathe

Before working :- - Ensure that the electrical power supply is as needed for the machine. Ensure that the safety guards are in proper condition.  - Ensure that the work area is clean and tidy. - Ensure that the meshing gears are in proper mesh, and the power feed levers are in neutral.  - Ensure that the automatic lubricating system is functioning.  During working:- - Shift the levers to change the speeds and feeds only when the rotating parts are fully stationary.  - Wear an apron (not too loose) with the sleeves of the shirt folded. - Avoid wearing rings and watches when working. Wear shoes to avoid injury to your feet.  - Remove the chips by a hook, and use a brush to clear them.  After working:- - Clean the machine with a brush and wipe with cotton waste.  - Oil the bed-ways and the lubricating points.  - Clean the precision instruments and hand them over to the instructor for safe keeping. - Clean the cutting tools and place them in their respective places.  - Clean the area surro

Jowar (ಜೋಳ)

It is flowering plant belongs to grass family Poaceae . It is also known as Sorghum, which is cultivated extensively in India and other country. Earlier Jowar was used in food made for animals but now people have started incorporating it in their diet due to its incredible health benefits. Now a day all bakery and homemade dishes make uses of all-purpose flour/Maida which is not good at all for health. A healthy alternative to all-purpose flour is jowar. This is rich in protein, Potassium, Calcium and other minerals. Since the jowar is gluten free, it plays a critical role in cellular function and repair. The rich quantity of Potassium & Phosphorus helps lower cholesterol and mange High B.P. The grain is incredibly rich in fiber and hence should be part of diet. Nutrition facts per 100  Gram: Total fat-3.5 g Saturated fat-0.6 g Total carbohydrate- 72 g Dietary fiber-6.7 g Sugar-2.5 g Protein-11 g Calcium-13 mg Iron-3.36 mg Potassium-363 mg Sodium-2 mg Benefits of jowar i) High fi

Jowar roti recipe (ಜೋಳದ ರೊಟ್ಟಿ)

Hi, You might  be tried/aware many more tasty foods across the world. Here I just give you the brief knowledge of Jowar  roti , which is an Indian bread made out of jowar. This is abundantly used in North Karnataka and some parts of M a harasht r a. In Karnataka it is also called as Jolada Rotti . I can either soft OR Hard in texture based on method opted to prepare it. The hard textured roti is also known as Khadak roti and it can also been stored for a certain period of time. As I tasted the jowar roti don’t have any taste but It I awesome with Veg/Non veg curry. It is also good for those peoples who suffer from various health complications especially for Diabetics, Obesity & High Blood Pressure . Healthy food can be incredibly delicious too. This recipe let you enjoy the goodness of Jowar (Sorghum) . Let’s prepare the Healthy and tasty jowar roti:- Ingredient required Jowar flour Salt to taste (Prefer not to use) Water Methods of preparation:- -  Take hot water/heat the water

H08- External gear pump

     A gear pump consist of two meshing gear. One of the gear is connected to a driving shaft known as driver gear which drives 2nd gear called driven OR idler gear. These gear are enclosed inside the housing. These pumps are particularly used to transfer viscous fluid. Construction: In external gear pump consist of following parts, which are shown Fig. i     The gear used here may be either spur gear OR helical gear . Each gear is mounted on the shaft supported on bearing in the end covers. One of these shaft/Gear is connected to the drive motor. Two ports are provided in which one acts as inlet and another one acts as outlet and are located on opposite sides of the housing. Working : As the gear unmeshes a partial vacuum is created at the inlet. Due to this partial vacuum the fluid is drawing into the chamber formed between the unmeshing of teeth. The chamber carry the fluid around the outside of the gear. As the gear stars meshing at outlet it forces fluid to out and fluid which le

H09- Internal gear pump

     A gear pump consist of two meshing gear. One of the gear is connected to a driving shaft known as D river gear which drives 2nd gear called D riven OR Idler gear . These gear are enclosed inside the housing. These pumps are particularly used to transfer viscous fluid. Constructional feature: In this type of the pump the meshing of the teeth takes place internally and hence the name internal gear consist of external gear which meshes with gear which contains internal gear as shown in figure.      The pumping chamber is formed between the gear teeth. A crescent seal is machined into the space between the inlet and outlet OR meshing and unmeshing region of the gear where the clearance between the internal gear( annular gear) and external gear is maximum. Thus the crescent seal separates both inlet and outlet and it will not allow the fluid to return the inlet. Working : Low pressure oil from the inlet port is converted into high pressure oil at outlet as follows.        

H07- Comparison between Hydrostatic & Hydrodynamic Pump

     Some of the comparison between positive displacement(Hydrostatic) pump and Non-positive displacement(Hydrodynamic) pumps are as follows. Positive   displacement Pump Non-   Positive   displacement   Pump a. The discharge doesn't vary irrespective of outlet resistance. a. The discharge varies according to resistance at outlet of pump b. Efficiency of this pump is higher in-comparison with non positive displacement pump b. Efficiency of this pump is low in-comparison with positive displacement pump. c. The pump generates high pressure. c. The pressure generation is comparatively low. d. Fluid flow per cycle is mostly maintained d. Fluid flow per cycle varies. e. Negligible gap between rotating and stationary element. e. Gap between rotating and stationary element f. Pump uses change in volume inside the pump to cause fluid flow. f. Pump uses inertia of fluid to cause fluid flow. g. There is no slippage in the output of the pump . g. There will be slippage in the output of the